Custom Electrical Products for Your Commercial & Industrial Project Needs

Custom Electrical Products for Your Commercial & Industrial Project Needs

For over 70 years, ECM has been a long-standing supplier of innovative electronic products to commercial and industrial companies throughout the world. Our premium power cords, wiring harnesses, PDUs, box builds, and cable assemblies are manufactured to our customer’s exact commercial and industrial specifications.

Additionally, ECM’s industrial and commercial grade power cords are 100% individually tested and meet or exceed all UL requirements. We offer custom electronics manufacturing on the following product lines:

  • Power Cords
  • Cable Assemblies
  • Wiring Harnesses
  • High-Level Assemblies
  • PDUs
  • Box Builds
Advanced Electrical Products for Industrial & Commercial Applications

Advanced Electrical Products for Industrial & Commercial Applications

ECM’s state-of-the-art manufacturing processes can be applied to virtually any electronics assembly product, in any industry, for use in any global market.

With proven niche expertise in the Military, Medical, Telecommunications, and Transportation markets, our team provides a flexible approach to product development and manufacturability that benefits any application.

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Our power cords, wiring harnesses, cable assemblies, and box builds can be customized for any commercial or industrial application, whether the resulting product is designed for consumer use or in manufacturing.


ECM products are used by manufacturers of mail sorting equipment, fluid dispensing machines, vending machines, kiosks and other business-to-business applications.


Whatever your product idea or design, we partner with you through each step of your product’s life cycle. We work with manufacturers of paint sprayers, gas fireplaces, audio equipment computers, and printers, and our cables are used in the boating and automotive industries.

Telecommunications & Data Centers

Telecommunications & Data Centers

In the rapidly-changing Telecom industry, you need quality products that keep your data center operating efficiently and reliably while keeping up with ever-increasing demand. ECM has long served the Telecommunications industry with products and partnerships and is a leading provider of Data Center cabling.

ECM manufactures a broad range of products for the Telecom industry, including high-amp SO cables, IEC Jumper Cords; and custom Power Distribution Units (PDUs). ECM offers fast turn-around and high quality UL approved assemblies for Data Center construction. With the highest level of automation and in-house expertise in manufacturing and electrical testing equipment, ECM is the supplier of choice for the Data Center industry.